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Name and Headquarters of the Association

Article 1 – Name of the Association: It is the “Adventure and Playgrounds Association .

The headquarters of the Association is in Istanbul. The short name of the Association is “IPAR”.

Purpose of the Association and Areas and Modes of Operation of the Association For the Fulfilment of the Purpose, and the Field of Activity

Article 2 – The Association is established to ensure a quality-oriented development in our country and to eliminate the accident risks as well as to provide personal training and sectoral unity, to support design works, to evaluate recommendations and complaints, to form public opinion together with private and public institutions to remove the obstacles before the sectoral development; it is also established to ensure sectoral development and a quality-oriented unity with the organizations and institutions that have the following national/international standards (in a manner to cover any subsequent amendments or those nullified in case of abolishment) and that conduct production and sales after production, sectoral supply and business in our country with this purpose or regardless whether they have the following national/international standards, organizations and institutions operate in the field of production related to the Association’s field of activity and those supply product or services such as raw materials, etc. for the mentioned productions, and it aims to be together for a common purpose according to the following standards.  

  • TS EN 15567-1: It specifies safety requirements for the design, construction, inspection, and maintenance of rope courses and their components.
  • TS EN 15567-2: This standard covers operating rules to ensure the appropriate level of safety and service when rope courses are used for recreational, training, educational or therapeutic purposes.
  • TS EN 12572-1: It contains the safety requirements and calculation methods for bouldering walls, including the safety zone of artificial climbing structures with protection points. It is applicable in the normal use of bouldering walls. It is not applicable for ice climbing, climbing with ice axes or rock climbing shoes, playground equipment and deep water solo climbing.
  • TS EN 12572-2: This standard contains safety requirements and calculation methods for bouldering walls, including the safety zone. It is applicable in the normal use of bouldering walls. It is not applicable for ice climbing, climbing with ice axes or rock climbing shoes, playground equipment and deep water solo climbing.
  • TS EN 12572-3: This standard specifies safety requirements and test methods for climbing walls. It applies to climbing walls used for the natural progression of the track. It does not apply to dry tools and playground equipment.
  • TS EN 1176-1: This specifies general safety requirements for permanently installed public playground equipment and surfacing. It includes playground equipment for all children. It is prepared in full recognition of the need for supervision of young children and less capable or less competent children.
  • TS EN 1176-2+AC: This standard specifies additional safety requirements for swings intended for permanent installation for use by children. It can be used appropriately in cases where the main play function does not swing.
  • TS EN 1176-3 : It specifies additional safety requirements for slides intended for permanent installation for use by children. The purpose is to protect the user against potential hazards during use. It can be used appropriately in cases where the main play function does not slide. This document does not apply to waterslides, roller paths or sled installations where ancillary equipment such as mats or sleds are used. This document does not apply to curved surfaces that do not contain and guide the user, e.g., guardrails (inclined parallel bars).
  • TS EN 1176-4+AC: This standard applies to cable cars where children travel along a cable using gravity. This standard specifies additional safety requirements for ropeways designed for permanent installation for use by children.
  • TS EN 1176-5: This document specifies additional safety requirements for carousels intended for permanent installation for use by children. It can be used appropriately in cases where the main play function does not turn. This document does not apply to motor carousels, fairground carousels, or climbing drums.
  • TSE EN 1176-6+AC : It is applicable to swinging equipment used as playground equipment for children. In cases where the main play function does not swing, the relevant requirements in this document can be used appropriately.
  • TSE EN 1176-11: It covers additional safety requirements for suspended nets designed for permanent installation for use by children. This standard is not applicable to structures used for training purposes in sports activities, e.g. mountaineering, artificial climbing.
  • TSE EN 16630 : This standard specifies general safety requirements for the manufacture, installation, inspection, and maintenance of permanently installed, publicly accessible outdoor exercise equipment. This standard does not cover electrically powered equipment, functional training halls (usually with unrestricted weights) and hurdles for military training purposes.
  • TS EN 1177+AC: This standard specifies test apparatus and impact test methods for determining impact attenuation of the surface coating by measuring the acceleration experienced during impact. Test apparatus conforming to this standard can be applied to tests performed in a laboratory or in the field by any of the methods described.
  • TS EN 14974: This document applies to public skate parks for the use of skateboards, other wheeled sports equipment and BMX bikes. It specifies safety requirements and requirements for testing and marking, information provided by the manufacturer, information for users, as well as inspection and maintenance to protect users and third parties (e.g. spectators) from hazards as much as possible when using a skatepark. As intended or as reasonably expected. This standard does not apply to bicycle facilities modeled from ground, gravel or rock.

Areas and Modes of Operations to be Run by the Association

1- To conduct researches for the activation and development of its activities,

2- It is established to train people who will be involved in the production of rope courses and/or adventure parks and the assembly and operation of public playgrounds, sports equipment, skatepark, surface coating materials minimizing the risk of falling; to determine various training programs; to bind people by bringing manufacturers, investors, and operators together; to determine suggestions and complaints and to analyze actual and possible accidents in them; to develop security systems and to eliminate accident risks; to conduct and report security audits; to provide consultancy to private and public institutions and organizations regarding the sector; and to build legal and insurance infrastructures.

3- To provide all kinds of information, documentation, papers, and publications necessary for the realization of the purpose, to establish a documentation center, to publish publications such as newspapers, journals, books, and bulletins in line with its objectives,

4- To provide a healthy working environment for the realization of the purpose, to supply all kinds of technical tools and equipment, fixtures and stationery,

5- To carry out fundraising activities and to accept national and international donations, provided that the necessary permissions are obtained,

6- To establish and operate economic, commercial, and industrial enterprises in order to provide the revenues needed for the realization of the purpose of the statute,

7- To open clubs, establish social and cultural facilities and to furnish them so that its members can benefit and spend their spare time,

8- To organize dinner meetings, concerts, balls, theatre, exhibitions, sports, excursions and entertaining events etc. or to enable its members to benefit from such activities,

9- To buy, sell, rent, and lease movable and immovable property needed for the activities of the Association and to establish real rights on immovables,

10- To establish foundations in the country and abroad, to establish a federation or to join an established federation if necessary for the realization of the purpose, to establish facilities that associations can establish by obtaining the necessary permission,

11- To carry out international activities, to be a member of international associations or organizations and to cooperate or collaborate with these organizations,

12- To carry out joint projects with public institutions and organizations in their field of duty if deemed necessary for the realization of the purpose, without prejudice to the provisions of the Law No. 5072 on the Relationship of Associations and Foundations with Public Institutions and Organizations,

13- To establish a fund in order to meet the essential needs such as food, clothing, other goods and services and short-term credit needs of the members of the Association,

14- To open representative offices where deemed necessary,

15- To establish platforms to achieve a common goal with other associations or foundations, unions and similar non-governmental organizations in areas that are related to the purpose of the Association and are not prohibited by law.

Field of Activity of the Association

The Association runs national and international operations with the business managers and sectoral suppliers of adventure parks, public playgrounds and sports fields, skateparks.

Right to Become a Member and Membership Procedures

 Article 3 – Natural or legal persons who have a manufacturing or operation certificate from any of the National and International Standards specified in the field of activity of the Association or natural or legal persons appointed by them to replace them have the right to become a member. Companies can define at most one company as a candidate member on their behalf.

Foreign companies can become a member to the Association or apply for membership for natural or legal persons who are their dealers. Although the membership is valid as long as the dealership conditions continue, in case the manufacturer cancels the authorized dealership, the membership of the legal/natural person authorized by the dealer ends with the majority approval of the Board of Directors.

Honorary Member criteria:

 Ministries, institutions and organizations, civil servants, academicians, those who provide material and moral support to the Association are accepted to honorary membership with the decision of the board of directors by majority vote.

Removal from honorary membership:

 Honorary members are removed from Honorary Membership by majority vote of the board of directors regardless of duration.

 The acceptance or rejection decision regarding the membership application to be made in writing to the chairmanship of the Association is made by the board of directors of the Association within maximum thirty days (30), and the result is notified to the applicant by email to the email address specified in the letter of application. The member whose application is accepted is recorded in the book to be kept for this purpose.

The full members of the Association are the founders of the Association and the persons accepted to membership by the board of directors upon their application.

Membership dues:

The dues are accrued annually; the payment is made until the end of February, and in case of delay in payment, the member is obliged to pay the monthly interest at the rate of twice the interest rate stipulated among the merchants in the legislation. In any case, if it is not paid until the beginning of the current year, the benefits of membership will not be utilized in the following year.

If the member still does not pay the accrued liability within 7 days from the call for the general assembly, they cannot vote in the general assembly or be a candidate for the organs. The dismissal clause for such persons may be discussed in the General Assembly as a motion.

Resignation from Membership

Article 4 – Each member has the right to leave the Association, provided that they submit a written notification.

As soon as the resignation letter of the member reaches the board of directors, the resignation procedures are deemed to be completed. Resignation from membership does not end the accrued liabilities of the member to the Association.

Termination of Membership

Article 5 – Conditions that require termination of the association membership.

1- Acting contrary to the statute of the Association,

2- Constantly avoiding the assigned tasks,

3- Failure to pay the membership fee within six months from the due date specified in this statute, despite a written warning,

4- Failure to comply with the decisions made by the association bodies.

5- Loss of membership qualities,

In case any one of the aforementioned conditions are determined, the membership is terminated by majority decision of the board of directors.

Those who resign or those whose memberships are terminated are removed from the member registry and they may not lay claim to the assets of the Association.

Association Bodies

Article 6 – The bodies of the Association are shown below.

1-General assembly,

2-Board of Directors,

3- Supervisory board,

Form of Establishment, Meeting Time and Call and Meeting Procedure of the General Assembly of the Association

Article 7 – The general assembly is the most authorized decision-making body of the Association and it consists of registered members of the Association.

General Assembly has

1- Ordinary meetings at the time specified in this statute,

2- Extraordinary meetings within thirty days in cases when the board of directors or the supervisory board deems necessary or upon the written request of one-fifth of association members.

Ordinary general assembly meets in January every 2 years on the day, place and time to be determined by the board of directors.

The general assembly is called to the meeting by the board of directors.

If the board of directors does not call the general assembly for a meeting, the magistrate, upon the application of one of the members, assigns three members to call the general assembly for the meeting.

Call Procedure

The board of directors arranges the list of members who have the right to attend the general assembly according to the association statute. Members who have the right to attend the general assembly meeting are called to the meeting at least fifteen days in advance by announcing the day, time, venue, and agenda of the meeting on a newspaper and/or the website of the Association and/or by sending a notification to the electronic mail address or contact number submitted by the member and/or by using local broadcasting media. In this call, if the meeting cannot be held due to the lack of quorum, the day, time and place of the second meeting is also specified. The period between the first meeting and the second meeting cannot be less than seven days and more than sixty days.

If the meeting is postponed for any reason other than the lack of quorum, this situation is announced to the members in accordance with the call procedure for the first meeting, including the reasons for the postponement. The second meeting must be held within six months at the latest from the date of adjournment. Members are called back to the second meeting in accordance with the principles specified in the first paragraph.

The general assembly meeting cannot be postponed more than once.

Meeting Procedure

The general assembly convenes with the participation of the absolute majority of the members who have the right to participate, and two-thirds of the members in case of a statute change and the dissolution of the Association; in the event that the meeting is postponed due to lack of quorum, majority is not sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the board of directors and supervisory board.

The list of members entitled to attend the general assembly is made available at the meeting venue. The members of the board or the officials assigned by the board check the identity cards of the members attending in person which issued by public authorities and in case there is a member attending by proxy, the identity card and the proper power of attorney, as mentioned in the announcement, of the representative. Members enter the meeting place by signing against their names on the list prepared by the board of directors.

If the meeting quorum is met, this is confirmed with a minute and the meeting is opened by the chairman of the board of directors or one of the board members to be appointed. If the meeting quorum is not met, a minute is issued by the board of directors.

After the opening, one chairman and a sufficient number of vice-chairmen and a secretary are elected to lead the meeting, and a council committee is formed.

In the voting to be held for the election of the organs of the Association, it is obligatory for the voting members to show their identities to the council committee and sign opposite their names on the list of participants.

The council chairman leads the meeting and ensures security.

In the general assembly, only the items on the agenda are discussed. However, it is obligatory to include on the agenda the issues that are requested to be discussed in writing by one-tenth of the members present at the meeting.

Each member has one vote at the general assembly; the member has to vote personally. Honorary members may attend general meetings but can not vote. If the legal person is a member, the chairman of the board of directors or the person to be assigned to represent the legal person votes.

The topics discussed and the decisions made at the meeting are recorded in a minute and signed by the chairman of the council and the secretaries.  At the end of the meeting, the minutes and other documents are submitted to the chairman of the board of directors. The chairman of the board of directors is responsible for preserving these documents and submitting them to the newly elected board of directors within seven days.

Voting and Decision Making Procedures and Modes of the General Assembly

 Article 8 – Unless otherwise decided in the general assembly, voting is done openly. In open voting, the method specified by the chairman of the general assembly is applied.

In the case of secret voting, the papers or ballot papers sealed by the meeting chairman are thrown into an empty container after the members do what is necessary, and the result is determined by making an open list after the end of the voting.

General assembly resolutions are taken by the absolute majority of the members attending the meeting. In so far, the decisions to change the statute and dissolution of the Association can only be made with a two-thirds majority of the members attending the meeting.

Decisions Made Without Meeting or Call

The decisions made through the written participation of all members without meeting and the decisions made by all the members of the Association by meeting without following the call procedure in this statute are valid. Decisions so made does not replace the ordinary meeting.

Duties and Authorities of the General Assembly

 Article 9- The following matters are discussed and resolved by the general assembly.

1-Electing the bodies of the Association,

2-Changing the Association’s statute,

3- Discussing the reports of the board of directors and supervisory board and discharging the board of directors,

4- Discussing the budget prepared by the board of directors and accepting it as it is or by changing it,

5- Authorizing the board of directors for the purchase of immovable properties required for the Association or the sale of existing immovable properties,

6- Examining and approving the regulations to be prepared by the board of directors regarding the activities of the Association, as it is or by changing it,

7- Determining the wages to be given to the chairman and members of the Association’s management and audit boards who are not public officials, and all kinds of allowances, travel allowances and compensations, and the daily and travel allowance amounts to be given to the members to be assigned for the Association’s services,

8-Deciding on the Association’s participation to or resignation from the federation,

9-Conducting international activities, joining or leaving associations and organizations abroad as a member,

10-Establishing a foundation by the Association,

11-Dissolution of the Association,

12- Examining and deciding on other suggestions of the board of directors,

13- Fulfilling other duties specified in the legislation by the general assembly,

The general assembly inspects the other organs of the Association and may dismiss them at any time for justified reasons.

As the most authoritative organ of the Association, it performs the tasks not given to another organ of the Association and uses the authorities.

Composition, Duties and Authorities of the Board of Directors

Article 10 – The Board of Directors is elected by the general assembly as five principal and five substitute members.

The board of directors determines the chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer and member by making a decision at the first meeting after the election.

The board of directors can be called to a meeting at any time, provided that all members are notified. It convenes with the presence of one more than half of the total number of members. Decisions are made by the absolute majority of the total number of members attending the meeting.

If there is a vacancy in the original membership of the board of directors due to resignation or other reasons, it is obligatory to call the substitute members for duty in the order of the majority of the votes they received in the general assembly.

Duties and Authorities of the Board of Directors

The board of directors fulfills the following:

1 – To represent the Association or to authorize one or more of its own members in this regard,

2 – To make the transactions related to income and expense accounts and to prepare the budget for the next period and present it to the general assembly,

3 – To prepare the regulations regarding the activities of the Association and to submit them to the approval of the general assembly.

4 – To purchase immovable property, to sell movable and immovable properties belonging to the Association, to have a building or facility constructed, to make a lease agreement, to establish a pledge, mortgage or real rights in favor of the Association, with the authorization given by the general assembly,

5 – To ensure the opening of representative offices where deemed necessary

6 – To implement the decisions taken in the general assembly,

7 – At the end of each operating year, to prepare the Association’s operating account statement or balance sheet and income statement and the report explaining the work of the board of directors, presenting it to the general assembly when convened,

8 – To ensure the implementation of the budget,

9 – To decide on the admission or expulsion of members from the Association.

10 – To make and implement all kinds of decisions in order to realize the purpose of the Association,

11 – To perform other duties and to use the authorities given to him by the legislation,

12 – To evaluate the applications for membership and decide to accept or remove from membership by majority vote.

Composition, Duties and Authorities of the Supervisory Board

Article 11 – The Supervisory Board is elected by the general assembly as three principal and three substitute members.

If there is a vacancy in the original membership of the supervisory board due to resignation or other reasons, it is obligatory to call the substitute members for duty in the order of the majority of the votes they received in the general assembly.

Duties and Authorities of the Supervisory Board

The supervisory board audits whether the Association operates in line with the purpose stated in the statute and the work to be carried out in order to achieve the purpose, whether the books, accounts and records are kept in accordance with the legislation and the Association’s statute, in accordance with the principles and procedures determined in the Association’s statute at intervals not exceeding one year and presents its results in a report to the board of directors and to the general assembly when convened.

The supervisory board calls the general assembly for a meeting when necessary.

Income Sources of the Association

 Article 12 – The income sources of the Association are listed below.

1 – Member Fee: The annual fee of the natural persons who became members of the Association before the acceptance date of this statute is 500 (five hundred) TL, the entrance fee of the natural and legal persons who became a member of the Association after the acceptance date of this statute is 5000 (Five thousand) TL, and 2500 (two thousand five hundred) TL is collected as annual fee. The General Assembly is authorized to increase or decrease these amounts.

2 – Donations and aids made by natural and legal persons to the Association voluntarily.

3 – Income from activities such as meetings with tea party and dinner, excursions and entertainment, representation, concerts, sports competitions and conferences organized by the Association,

4 – Income from the assets of the Association,

5 – Donations and aids to be collected in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on aid collection.

6 – Earnings from commercial activities undertaken by the Association in order to provide the income it needs to realize its purpose.

7 – Other income.

Bookkeeping Principles and Procedures of the Association and Books to be Kept

Article 13 – Bookkeeping principles;

The Association keeps account books according to the operating account method. However, if the annual gross income exceeds the limit specified in Article 31 of the Associations Regulation, a book is kept on the basis of the balance sheet starting from the following accounting period.

In the case of switching to the balance sheet principle, if the limit is lowered below the above-mentioned limit in two consecutive accounting periods, it can be returned to the operating account principle as of the following year.

Regardless of the limit stated above, books can be kept on the basis of the balance sheet with the decision of the board of directors.

In case of opening a commercial enterprise of the Association, a book is also kept for this commercial enterprise in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law.

Registration Procedure

The books and records of the Association are kept in accordance with the procedures and principles specified in the Associations Regulation.

Books to Keep

The following books are kept in the Association.

a) The books to be kept on the basis of the business account and the principles to be followed are as follows:

1 – Decision Book: The resolutions of the board of directors are written in this book in order of date and number, and resolutions are signed by the members attending the meeting.

2 – Member Registry: Identity information, entry and exit dates of those who enter the Association as a member are recorded in this book. Entry and annual dues paid by members can be recorded in this book.

3 – Document Registry: Incoming and outgoing documents are recorded in this book with date and sequence number. The original copies of incoming documents and outgoing documents are filed. Incoming or outgoing documents via e-mail are stored by printing.

4 – Operating Account Book : Income received and expenses incurred on behalf of the Association are clearly and regularly recorded in this book.

5 – Certificate of Receipt Registry: The serial and sequence numbers of the receipt documents, the names, surnames and signatures of those who received and returned these documents, and the dates they received and returned are recorded in this book.

6-Plant Ledger: The date and manner of acquisition of the fixtures belonging to the Association, the places where they are used or given, and the deregistration of those who have expired are recorded in this book.

It is not obligatory to keep the Certificate of Receipt Registry and the Plant Ledger.

b) The books to be kept on the balance sheet basis and the principles to be followed are as follows:

1 – The books recorded in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd sub-clauses of paragraph (a) are also kept in case of keeping books on the basis of balance sheet.

2 – Journal and General Ledger: The method of keeping and recording these books is made in accordance with the Tax Procedure Law and the Accounting System Implementation General Communiqués published pursuant to the authority given by this Law to the Ministry of Finance.

Ratifying the Books

The books that are obligatory to be kept in the Association (except the General Ledger) are certified by the provincial associations directorate or notary before being used. The use of these books is continued until the pages are finished and interim ratification is not possible. However, it is obligatory to re-certify each year in the last month preceding the year in which the Journal Book, which is kept on the basis of the balance sheet, will be used.

Income Statement and Balance Sheet Arrangement

In case of keeping records on the basis of operating account, “Operating Account Table” (specified in ANNEX-16 of the Associations Regulation) is prepared at the end of the year (31 December). In the case of keeping books on the balance sheet basis, at the end of the year (31 December), the balance sheet and income statement are prepared based on the Accounting System Implementation General Communiqués published by the Ministry of Finance.

Association’s Income and Expense Transactions

 Article 14 – Income and expense documents;

The income of the Association is collected with the “Receipt Certificate” (a sample of which can be found in ANNEX-17 of the Associations Regulation). In case the income of the Association is collected through banks, documents such as receipts or account statements issued by the bank replace the receipt document.

The expenses of the Association are made with expenditure documents such as invoice, retail sales receipt, self-employment receipt. However, for the payments of the Association within the scope of Article 94 of the Income Tax Law, notes of expense are used expense documents, and for payments not included in this scope, documents such as “Expense Voucher” or “Bank Receipt” (as examples given in Associations Regulation ANNEX-13) are used as expense documents.

Deliveries of free goods and services to individuals, institutions or organizations by the Association (an example of which is found in Annex-14 of the Associations Regulation) are made with the “Aid in Kind Delivery Document”. Free goods and service deliveries to be made by individuals, institutions or organizations to the Association (an example of which can be found in ANNEX-15 of the Associations Regulations) are accepted with the “Certificate of Receipt of Donation in Kind”.

These documents are in the format and size shown in Annex-13, Annex-14 and Annex-15, with consecutive serial and serial numbers, self-carbon bindings consisting of fifty original and fifty counterfoil sheets, or it is printed in forms to be issued through electronic systems and typing machines or in form of continuous paper. Documents to be printed as a form or continuous paper must be of the specified quality.

Certificates of Receipt

The “Certificates of Receipt” to be used in the collection of association incomes (in form and size given in ANNEX-17 of Associations Regulation) are printed by the printing house with the decision of the board of directors.

The relevant provisions of the Associations Regulation shall be followed in the matters related to the printing and control of the receipt documents, their receipt from the printing house, their recording in the book, the handover between the old and new treasurers, and the use of these receipts by the person or persons who will collect income on behalf of the Association and the delivery of the collected revenues.

Authorization Certificate

Except for the original members of the board of directors, the person or persons who will collect income on behalf of the Association are determined by the decision of the board of directors, including the term of authorization. The “Authorization Certificate” containing the clear identity, signature and photographs of the persons who will collect income (included in Annex-19 of the Associations Regulation) is issued by the Association in two copies and approved by the chairman of the Association’s board of directors. The principal members of the board of directors can collect income without a certificate of authorization.

The duration of the authorization certificates is determined by the board of directors as a maximum of one year. Expired authorization certificates are renewed according to the first paragraph. In cases such as the expiration of the authorization certificate or the resignation, death, termination of the job or duty of the person on whose behalf the authorization certificate has been issued, it is obligatory to submit the authorization certificates to the board of directors of the Association within one week. In addition, the authority to collect revenue can be canceled at any time with the decision of the board of directors.

Retention Period of Income and Expense Documents;

Except for the books, receipts, expenditure documents and other documents used by the Association are kept for 5 years in accordance with the number and date order in the books in which they are recorded, without prejudice to the periods specified in special laws.

Notification Obligation

Article 15 – Notifications to be made to the local authority;

General Assembly Final Declaration

Within thirty days following the ordinary or extraordinary general assembly meetings, the General Assembly Final Declaration (included in Annex-3 of the Associations Regulation) is submitted to the local authority, which includes the principal and alternate members elected to the management and supervisory boards and other bodies. In the event that the statute is amended at the general assembly meeting, the minutes of the general assembly meeting, the old and new forms of the changed articles of the statute, the final form of the association charter, each page of which is signed by the absolute majority of the members of the board of directors, are submitted to the local authority as an attachment within the period specified in this paragraph.

Notification of Immovables

The immovables acquired by the Association are notified to the local authority by filling out the “Immovable Property Statement” (presented in Annex-26) of the Associations Regulation within thirty days from the registration to the land registry.

Notification of Receiving International Aid

In case of receiving international aid, the Association fills out the “Notification of Receiving International Aid” (specified in ANNEX-4 of the Associations Regulation) and notifies the local authority before receiving aid.

It is obligatory to receive cash aids through banks and to fulfill the notification requirement before they are used.

Notification of Changes

The change in the settlement of the Association (specified in ANNEX-24 of the Associations Regulation) is reported to the local authority by filling in the “Residential Change Notification” and the changes in the organs of the Association outside the general assembly meeting (specified in ANNEX-25 of the Associations Regulation) are reported by filling in the “Notification of Changes in the Organs of the Association” within thirty days.

Changes made in the statute of the Association are also notified to the local authority as attached to the general assembly final declaration within thirty days following the general assembly where the change was made.

Opening a Representative Agency

Article 16 – The Association may open a representative agency with the decision of the board of directors in order to carry out the activities of the Association where it deems necessary. The address of the representative agency is notified in writing to the local administrative authority by the person or persons appointed as the representative by the decision of the board of directors. Representatives may not be represented in the General Assembly.

Internal Audit of the Association

Article 17 – Internal audits can be carried out by the general assembly, the board of directors or the supervisory board of the Association, as well as by independent auditing firms. The fact that an audit has been carried out by the general assembly, the board of directors or independent audit firms does not remove the obligation of the audit board.

Audit of the Association is carried out by the supervisory board at least once a year. The general assembly or the board of directors may conduct audits or have independent auditing firms perform audits when deemed necessary.

Borrowing Procedures of the Association     

 Article 18 – In order to realize its purpose and carry out its activities, the Association may take loan with the decision of the board of directors, if needed. This borrowing can be done in the purchase of goods and services on credit as well as in cash. However, this borrowing cannot be made in amounts that cannot be covered by the income sources of the Association and in a way that will make the Association insolvent.

Amendment of the Statute

 Article 19- The statute can be changed with the decision of the general assembly.

A 2/3 majority of the members who have the right to attend the general assembly is required in order to amend the statute in the general assembly. In case the meeting is postponed due to lack of majority, majority is not sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the board of directors and supervisory board.

The majority of the decisions required for the amendment of the statute is 2/3 of the votes of the members attending the meeting and having the right to vote. In the general assembly, the vote on the amendments to the statute is made openly.

Dissolution of the Association and Liquidation of Assets

 Article 20 – The general assembly may decide to dissolve the Association at any time.

In order to discuss the dissolution issue at the general assembly, 2/3 majority of the members who have the right to attend the general assembly is required. In case the meeting is postponed due to lack of majority, majority is not sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the board of directors and supervisory board.

The majority of the decisions required for the dissolution decision to be taken is 2/3 of the votes of the members attending the meeting and having the right to vote. Voting for decision of dissolution is made openly in the General Assembly.

Liquidation Procedures

When the dissolution decision is made by the general assembly, the liquidation of the money, property and rights of the Association is made by the liquidation board, which consists of the last board members. These transactions start from the date of the general assembly decision regarding the dissolution or the date when the automatic dissolution becomes final. During the liquidation period, the phrase “Rope Tracks Association in Liquidation” is used in the name of the Association.

The liquidation board is in charge and authorized to complete the liquidation of the money, property and rights of the Association from beginning to end in accordance with the legislation. This board first examines the accounts of the Association. During the examination, the books, receipts, expenditure documents, title deed and bank records and other documents belonging to the Association are determined and their assets and liabilities are recorded in a report. During the liquidation process, the creditors of the Association are called and their assets, if any, are converted into cash and paid to the creditors. In case the Association is a creditor, the receivables are collected. All money, property and rights remaining after the collection of receivables and payment of debts are transferred to the place determined in the general assembly. If the place to be transferred is not determined in the general assembly, it is transferred to the Association closest to its purpose in the province where the Association is located and which has the most members on the date of dissolution.

All transactions regarding liquidation are shown in the liquidation report and liquidation transactions are completed within three months, except for the additional periods given by the local authorities based on a justified reason.

Following the completion of the liquidation and transfer procedures of the money, property and rights of the Association, the situation must be notified to the local authority of the place where the headquarters of the Association is located by the liquidation board within seven days, and the liquidation report must be attached to this letter.

The last members of the board of directors, as the liquidation board, are responsible for keeping the books and documents of the Association. This duty can be conferred to a board of member too. These books and records must be kept for five years.

Lack of Provision

Article 21 – The provisions of the Law on Associations, the Turkish Civil Code, the Regulations on Associations issued with reference to these Laws and other relevant legislation on associations shall apply to matters not specified in this statute.

Existing Board Members ;

Name and surname       :             Role Title :



Ayhan EROĞLU                      SECRETARY

Furkan BUDAK                       TREASURER

Mustafa Onur KARADAĞ          MEMBER

This statute consists of 21 (twenty-one) articles.